Enjoy popular Nigerian dish made with grounded ogbono seed

 Ogbono soup is a popular Nigerian dish made with grounded ogbono seeds, which act as a thickener. Here's a simple recipe for you:


- Ogbono seeds: 1 cup, ground

- Palm oil: ½ cup

- Meat (beef, goat, or chicken): 500g

- Stockfish: 1 medium, soaked and deboned

- Dry fish: 1 medium, soaked and deboned

- Crayfish: 2 tablespoons, ground

- Bitterleaf or ugu (pumpkin leaves): 1-2 cups, washed and shredded

- Seasoning cubes: 2-3 cubes

- Ground pepper: 1 teaspoon (adjust to taste)

- Onion: 1 medium, chopped (optional)

- Salt: to taste

- Water or meat stock: about 4 cups


1. Prepare the Meat:

   - Wash and season the meat with salt, seasoning cubes, and chopped onions. 

   - Add a little water and cook until tender. Add the stockfish and dry fish to cook for an additional 10 minutes. Set aside.

2. Prepare the Ogbono: 

   - In a separate pot, heat the palm oil on low heat. Once it's hot, remove from heat and add the ground ogbono seeds. Stir continuously until the ogbono is fully dissolved in the oil. This step is crucial as it helps to avoid lumps.

3. Cook the Soup:

   - Place the pot back on low heat, gradually add the meat stock or water, and stir well to combine. Allow it to cook for about 10 minutes, stirring frequently to prevent burning.

4. Add Other Ingredients:

   - Add the cooked meat, stockfish, dry fish, ground crayfish, and pepper. Stir well to combine.

   - Let it simmer for another 5-10 minutes. If the soup becomes too thick, you can add a little more water or stock to achieve your desired consistency.

5. Add Vegetables:

   - Finally, add your shredded bitterleaf or ugu. Stir and allow it to cook for another 3-5 minutes.

6. Taste and Serve:

   - Taste the soup and adjust seasoning if necessary. Serve hot with pounded yam, fufu, or eba.

Enjoy your delicious ogbono soup!

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