How to make moi moi

 Moi Moi is a popular Nigerian steamed bean pudding made from blended peeled beans, onions, and a variety of spices. Here’s a simple recipe:


- 2 cups of peeled beans (black-eyed peas or brown beans)

- 1 medium onion, chopped

- 1 red bell pepper

- 2 tablespoons of ground crayfish (optional)

- 1-2 scotch bonnets (ata rodo), depending on your spice preference

- 2 bouillon cubes or seasoning powder

- 1/2 cup of vegetable oil or palm oil

- 1 teaspoon of ground nutmeg (optional)

- Salt to taste

- Water (as needed)

Optional Fillings:

- Boiled eggs, sliced

- Sardines or corned beef

- Shrimps

- Cooked fish flakes


1. Soak and Peel the Beans: 

   - Soak the beans in water for about 30 minutes to 1 hour.

   - Peel the beans by rubbing them between your hands until the skin comes off. Rinse the beans and discard the skins.

2. Blend the Beans:

   - In a blender, combine the peeled beans, chopped onion, red bell pepper, and scotch bonnets.

   - Add water gradually while blending to achieve a smooth, thick paste.

3. Mix the Batter:

   - Pour the blended mixture into a large mixing bowl.

   - Add ground crayfish, bouillon cubes, nutmeg, and salt. Mix well.

   - Gradually add the vegetable or palm oil, stirring continuously until it’s fully incorporated and the batter is smooth.

4. Add Fillings (Optional):

   - If using fillings, gently fold them into the batter. Make sure they are evenly distributed.

5. Prepare the Steaming Containers:

   - Traditionally, Moi Moi is steamed in small bowls, aluminum foil, or banana leaves. Grease your chosen containers lightly with oil.

   - Pour the batter into the containers, leaving some space at the top to allow for expansion during cooking.

6. Steam the Moi Moi:

   - Arrange the filled containers in a large pot or a steamer.

   - Add water to the pot, making sure it doesn’t touch the Moi Moi. Cover the pot and steam on medium heat for about 45 minutes to 1 hour.

   - Check occasionally to ensure there’s enough water in the pot. Add more hot water if needed.

7. Check for Doneness:

   - The Moi Moi is ready when it solidifies and a knife or toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean.

8. Serve:

   - Allow the Moi Moi to cool slightly before removing it from the containers.

   - Serve warm as a side dish or main meal, often paired with rice, pap (ogi), or garri.

Enjoy your homemade Moi Moi!

Moi moi is typically eaten with a variety of dishes. And dey include:

1. Rice: 

Often served with jollof rice, fried rice, or plain white rice.

2. Pap (Akamu): 

A fermented corn pudding, typically eaten as a breakfast dish.

3. Garri or Eba: 

Some people enjoy it with garri or eba, especially when the moi moi is served with stew.

4. Bread:

Moi moi can also be eaten as a filling in bread, making a sort of sandwich.

5. Yam or Plantain:

Fried or boiled yam and plantains are also great accompaniments.

6. Salad: 

Moi moi is sometimes eaten with vegetable salad for a lighter meal.

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