How to make popcorn 🍿

Here are some simple recipe for making a  nice wonderful popcorn 🍿:


- 1/2 cup popcorn kernels
- 2-3 tablespoons of oil (e.g., vegetable, canola, or coconut oil)
- Salt to taste
- Optional: melted butter or other seasonings


1. Heat the Oil: 

In a large pot, heat the oil over medium-high heat. Add a couple of popcorn kernels to the pot. When they pop, the oil is ready.

2. Add Kernels: 

Add the rest of the popcorn kernels to the pot. Cover with a lid, leaving a small gap for steam to escape.

3. Pop the Corn:

 Shake the pot occasionally to ensure even popping and to prevent burning. Continue until the popping slows down.

4. Remove from Heat:

 Once the popping slows significantly, remove the pot from heat. Let it sit for a minute to allow any remaining kernels to pop.

5. Season:

 Transfer the popcorn to a bowl. Season with salt and any other desired toppings like melted butter, cheese, or caramel.

6. Serve: 

 Enjoy your homemade popcorn!

You can add any other  seasonings and flavors for your favorite combination!

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